How to get a relocation vehicle?

My name is Brian and I am one of the founders of Transfercar. I have written this article series to help people who are thinking of relocating a car, camper van or motorhome for the first time via Transfercar.

How to get a relocation vehicle – preparation and planning

transfercar-frontpageThe first thing is to find a relocation car at that suits your travel requirements. The table of available relocation cars on the front pages gives a good overview of what is available. Pay attention to the free extras column that tells you what is included in the relocation deal. The more things included the better for you as a relocation driver. Normally the rental car companies include ferry and standard insurance with the relocation car. From time to time the rental companies also add petrol vouchers or a free tank of petrol. Often this applies to urgent relocations. The available column tells you the earliest pick-up date and latest drop off date. It does not mean you can have the vehicle during the whole period. The number of days you can have the car for free is specified in the details that can be viewed by clicking anywhere on the row of the relocation you are interested it. Most rental car companies allow between 4-7 days for a relocation between Christchurch and Auckland.

To request a relocation car click the Drive it free!-button. Your request is send directly to the rental car company and they will accept or reject your request within 12-48 hours. Sometimes they receive several requests for the same relocation. So if your request is not accepted, don’t despair – just request another one! Until you get accepted the whole booking is a ‘blind process’. You will not be told who the rental car company behind the relocation is until you have been accepted by the rental company.

I requested the motorhome approximately 7 days prior to the date we preferred to pick it up. Our request was accepted within 12 hours and we received a confirmation email from Transfercar and later on we also got an email from the rental car company – In this case it was Jucy Rentals. I called up Jucy to organize the exact pick-up time and drop-time. The rental car company also schedule the ferry crossing for us. In our case Jucy covered the cost of the ferry for the motorhome and we had to pay for passengers – $50 per person when booking through the rental car company (otherwise it is $58 with Interislander)

After having organized the relocation, we booked flight tickets with Jetstar – $39 (without luggage) and $49 (20k allowance) per person. Alternatively try Grabaseat or virginblue – you just gotta love love the competition 🙂

What are rental car relocations?

My name is Brian and I am one of the founders of Transfercar. I have written this article series to help people who are thinking of relocating a car, camper van or motorhome for the first time via Transfercar.

What are rental car relocations?

To relocate is to drive a rental car or rental campervan from one branch to another within a short time frame. Because the rental car companies can’t find enough paying customers to drive their cars and campers in the opposite direction of the tourists, they need alternative ways to move them. Traditionally the rental car companies have mainly been using truck and train transport, but after the launch of Transfercar it has become more popular amongst to use ordinary travellers to drive the vehicles.

Relocations are very seasonal in New Zealand and the rental car companies often need to relocate their fleet from south to north before and during the summer season to match the flow of tourists moving the other direction. During winter the situation is opposite with rental car companies relocating cars and camper vans south to meet demand from ski and snowboard enthusiasts.

I have been relocating cars via the Transfercar website several times myself. I wanted to test the service that we at Transfercar are offering our customers but I also find it to be a fantastic way to travel and see the country with a limited budget.

In August 2009 my partner and I relocated a 3-berth, diesel motorhome from Christchurch to Auckland Airport. The motorhome was fully equipped with shower, toilet, kitchen facilities, beddings and covers, towels and a TV with DVD-player. I was given 5 days to relocate the camper van and it included free ferry and free standard insurance.

The next part in the series explains how to find and book a relocation car or relocation camper, and the last article is about the experience from picking up the relocation camper Christchurch, the trip back and dropping the camper off in Auckland.

Vote for Transfercar on Facebook

Transfercar needs your support!

Install the app at and vote for Transfercar at the “Kick-start.

[network:StartUP] is a global community designed to assist online Start-UPs. Every week they will be sending their entire group of thousands of visitors to one lucky Start-UP (Transfercar) and provide a major traffic spike and hopefully a lot of new users.

You can help Transfercar by voting for them at Start-UP with on their Kick-Start my Start-UP Facebook App.

So install the app at and vote for Transfercar now!

New video presentation out

Two weeks ago we had a fun day (more fun than usual) here at Transfercar when [business:Made From New Zealand] came up from Wellington and did a video shoot of us.

We started out filming outside the University of Auckland Business School (where the idea to Transfercar first was developed). Then we moved down to the car yard at Jucy Rental Cars (they happened to be close, sorry to all the other rental companies that didn’t get the same exposure!). And Tim Alpe, CEO at Jucy gave us a raving endorsement!

All in all the whole shoot lasted the afternoon and it was a lot of fun to do. We shot 3 short movies. The first one came out today:

Let us know what you think!

We support the Internet Blackout NZ

Today New Zealand businesses and individuals are joining in on a massive protest against the Guilt Upon Accusation law ‘Section 92A’ that calls for internet disconnection based on accusations of copyright infringement without a trial and without any evidence held up to court scrutiny. This is due to come into effect on February 28th unless immediate action is taken by the National Party.

A massive “blackout” of websites are occurring today from major online players such as [business:Scoop Media], [business:Zoomin], [business:GeekZone], [business:SilverStripe] and many more. See full list here.

Transfercar will be carrying a centrally placed banner on all our pages in support of the protest. Click here for screenshot.

IE6 users given the message to upgrade or change

[person:Francois Bondiguel], founder of [business:PocketSmith] pointed out on his twitter page yesterday that Norwegian websites have started a war to combat users of the browser of Internet Explorer 6 (IE6).

This immediately caught my attention. For one, I myself is Norwegian 🙂 But more importantly is the extra work that IE6 causes web developers around the world, also here at Transfercar.

IE6 was launched in 2001 when the web was very different from what it is now. Also IE6 never complied properly with Internet industry standards. So web developers have been waiting for it to slowly die out. Unfortunately because of it’s bundling with Windows this never really happened, and web sites have been having to provide 2 versions of their pages; one for IE6 and one for the rest of the browsers.

Even the past 30 days on we have had 23% of IE users still using version 6.

23.9% of IE users are using version 6
23.9% of IE users are using version 6

So we have decided to join the efforts to educate and create awarness amongst Internet Explorer users that still have an old version on their computers. From today onwards we have the following message displayed on all our web pages:

Tip from Transfercar: You have an old version of the browser Internet Explorer (IE6)

To get the best possible experience using our website we recommend that you upgrade your browser to a newer version. The current version is Internet Explorer 7 and Internet Explorer 8 is available as a beta. The upgrade is free. If you’re using a PC at work you should contact your IT-administrator.

If you want to you may also try some other popular Internet browsers like Opera, FireFox or Safari

You can also see a screen shot of the message on Flickr.

We hope that every website owner in New Zealand now will take up the challenge and put a similar message on their site. Go here for the source code to implement it on your web site.

The movement also have a wiki page and you can find a list of all websites having implemented the message.