Bloggers Retained as Social Media Strategists for the U.N. Global Sustainable Tourism Council

Audrey Scott & Daniel Noll - Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

April 11, 2012 by Ethan Gelber |

What what would happen if the power of tourism were better harnessed as a force for positive change in the world? A question that’s been asked for decades, it has found far-reaching echo in a strategic coalition of vocal advocates under the United Nations umbrella. And now it’s got a social media strategy too. Read more at

If you want more information, please contact us on [email protected].

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Happy free travelling!

Hertz Launches New Sustainability Strategy

February 13, 2012 in Rental Operations, Green Fleet Hertz Rentals

The Hertz Corp. on Feb. 7 introduced “Living Journey,” which is a new corporate sustainability strategy for the company.

Smart Mobility is one of the program’s strategic initiatives, which will include providing customers with fuel-efficient vehicle rental options that use clean, low-emissions technology such as electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrids. Other initiatives seek to minimize the company’s environmental footprint and operating costs through efficiency improvements, resource management and renewable energy production.

Another aspect of the program includes creating a positive impact and enhancing the communities Hertz serves by giving back through philanthropic and volunteer efforts. Read the full story at Auto Rental News

For free rental cars in New Zealand and free rentals in Australia check out Transfercar!

New Zealand Van Relocation | A Budget Adventurer’s Dream

by Kaitlin on October 26, 2011 | two backpackers one world

Funnily enough, we were first clued into the concept of “van relocation” on a sailboat returning from Capri, Italy back in June. We were chatting with an Australian couple after a long, strenuous day drinking beers and swimming through beautiful grottos in the Mediterranean. It’s a miracle we happened to remember discussing it months later when we booked our flights to New Zealand, but somehow it came to me about 30 seconds after pressing the “submit” button confirming our flights to Christchurch.

As you may have guessed, van relocation refers to exactly what it sounds like: relocating a camper van from one place to another. What’s so great about that? Let me tell you – van relocation happens to be very cheap, or sometimes, as in our case, free! What traveler doesn’t love a free rental car?

Getting from Australia to New Zealand

Air Travelby Brooke | Why Go Australia | September 11th, 2011

With a flight to Australia from many parts of the world taking so incredibly long, it just makes sense for travelers to make the most of their trip and hit New Zealand as well. A number of airlines travel between the two countries regularly, some at budget rates that will please just about anyone. Better than the price is the short flight distance. Taking just around three hours in travel time from major cities on the east coast of Australia to Auckland, New Zealand is literally a hop, skip and a jump away!

>> In addition to New Zealand, Australians and travelers to Australia also like to make the most of their trip by stopping off at Bali and Fiji.

Unless you have time, the will to join a big cruise or the means to boat across on your own, then a flight between the two countries is generally in order. Budget flights can be made on both Jetstar and Virgin Australia, while Qantas and Air New Zealand are the more mainstream airline choices. Read more about the transport options to New Zealand, as well as search for cheap flights, in the following articles:

Read the full article on Why Go Australia

Check out our free rental cars and campervans in NZ!

Free Rental Cars & Campervans During the Rugby World Cup

Rugby Worl Cup
RWC New Zealand

As the Rugby World cup kicks in, more questions are being raised about whether there will be any relocation vehicles, or any rental vehicles available at all for that matter,  and if so from where.  To be honest, I really do wish I had a crystal ball (as do many other businesses I’m sure) but I don’t (otherwise I would be filthy rich and not sitting at my desk right now :)).

With an estimated 80,000 visitors said to be arriving into New Zealand for the World Cup Tournament, we can only imagine that many of them will be renting cars and campervans across the country. We don’t know however, where or when they will be arriving and leaving as many will likely use this time to travel the country.

In an event like this, you might need roadside assistance, that is why the extraordinary car towing dublin services will be a great ally in these type of situations.

What I can do, is tentatively make some guesses as to where vehicles may be headed and where they may also get stranded.

So if we look at the Rugby World Cup 2011 Match Schedule we can roughly calculate where RWC fans will be headed based on the most popular matches and teams with the largest followers (national and international visitors). Continue reading Free Rental Cars & Campervans During the Rugby World Cup

Why relocate a vehicle with Transfercar?

Every now and then someone will say to me, “Why would anyone relocate a vehicle” and I respond by explain all the benefits of using a cheap form of transport such as Transfercar and when it is a viable option (and not) for both vehicle owners and travellers.

Firstly, just to clarify: A relocation vehicle, one-way hire or standby car is a vehicle (normally a rental) that has been dropped off at a specific location and needs to be brought back to another place or depot by a specific time.

Transfercar is an online vehicle relocation service that operates in both New Zealand and Australia that services this need. Continue reading Why relocate a vehicle with Transfercar?