10 Crazy Forms of Human Transportation

Granted, getting a free rental car or a free campervan is crazy in itself, so at Transfercar we feel we fall into the category of crazy forms of transportation.

However it seems that there is always crazier than crazy, so if you are into the most insane ways to have your body transported, check out those options.

1. Orbit Wheels (featured image above)

According to its inventors,  Orbitwheels is a new concept for wheeled sports and the idea is simple: two feet, two wheels…and you’re ready to go! ”A set of Orbitwheels is a cross between a skateboard and pair of inline skates – but with more freedom and simplicity than either”… would be nice to try this to see if it’s true.

2. Segway 

segwaySegway  is a two-wheeled, self-balancing, battery-powered electric vehicle…  It’s gaining popularity, although it’s still quite rare to bump into one of those. Looks pretty weird at first glance, but somewhat stylish, right?

3. Elliptigo

elliptigoElliptigo is two-wheeler designed to replicate running,  without the impact… A cross between cycling and running?

4. Wuppertal Suspension Railway

WuppertalThis electric elevated railway with hanging cars is unique in the world and only exists in the town of Wuppertal in Germany… It looks a little scary, which might explain why no other city wanted to give it a go.

5. Velomobile

RENOIRIt’s not a car, it’s not a bike…a velomobile somewhere in between. Very stable, faster than a bike, and looks pretty good too. You should order one for Christmas.

6. Basket-ride

Madere paniers en osiersThis one requires you to jump in a wheeled-basket and pay two men with a hat to push you. Sounds awesome, the problem is that you will only find this in Madere, Portugal!

7. Beer-bike

bierbikeAnother German invention… the Beer Bike… It’s not really a bike, but it’s real beer that they’re serving. Interesting concept.

8. Amphibian bus

amfibusNo, please don’t jump to rescue those passengers, they are doing quite alright aboard this amphibian bus designed to get in the water… yes that’s a cross between a bus and a boat. Madness, uh?

9. Shockwave JetTruck

Jet TruckIs it a rocket, is it a truck? If you go to the US, you might be able to spot this JetTruck that goes over 300 km/h… Just imagine the noise when it passes you. Calm down, don’t try this at home, this could hurt.

10. Zorb


Well yeh, we’ve got something to be proud about in New Zealand… Zorbing is probably the craziest form of transportation ever imagined. Sexy-looking, and very handy at intersections…




How to Save Money on the Road

Yes! You can save money while travelling! Just look at how much money you’ve saved with your free Transfercar rental. And then follow these rules and you’ll save even more money…

Food Rules

Most travellers spend way too much money on drive-thru food. Not only is it expensive, but it’s going to make you feel tired and sluggish, two things you don’t want to feel while driving a Transfercar! Bring a cooler with you so that you can make grocery runs along your trip. Bring the necessary cutlery and treat yourself to nice cheeses, salamis and breads while you’re on the road, instead of spending your money on average food from diners on route. If you’re absolutely desperate for a cooked meal, veer off the main road and into small towns for cheaper, and often better, meals.

Snack Attack!

Snacks are an absolute killer on road trips, especially when you’re stopping for gas. Before you leave town, pack your car with snacks from the grocery store. You can easily make your own treats and store them in your cooler. Fruit stands on the side of the road are always great in summer, too.

Mean Gasoline

  • Following  a few simple gas-saving tips can help you save a lot of road trip money:
  • Turn off the AC: just open the window!
  • Ease off the pedal well before a stop sign and coast to a stop; take off in a mellow manner. Burning rubber burns gas needlessly.
  • Inflate tires to close to max — carry a teeny tire gauge and read the tire’s side.
  • Avoid cruise control.
  • Don’t speed. Wastes gas and one ticket can destroy a summer road trip budget.

Sneaky Tips

  • A prepaid credit card can help to keep you within your budge. Just make sure it doesn’t have excessive fees associated with it.
  • To avoid going into debt, save money with a detailed budget for what you’ll spend on lodging, meals, activities and gas.
  • Carry some cash with you in case you need it.
  • Limit your time away to less than 10 days.
  • Pack the right necessities.
  • Book accommodation in advance.
  • Book a free Transfercar rental car.

We don’t want to toot our own horns, but travelling with a free rental car is obviously going to save you more money that paying for one. Also, if you’re looking for an even cheaper trip, why not rent an RV or campervan, thus eliminating the need to pay for exorbitant hotel rooms especially if you’re travelling as a family?! Some of our deals even come with ferries and a free tank of fuel, which means you save even more money! I know it sounds too good to be true, but thousands of travellers all over the world have cracked onto our services, saving money as they ride with us, and making their trips last longer. If you haven’t registered, you’re not saving money. So get amongst it. And let’s hit the road.


The World’s Top 10 Most Dangerous Roads

We’ve traversed the earth to bring you ten of the most scary, interesting, beautiful and down right dangerous roads on the planet. Thanks to our research and the awesome powers of the internet you can relax and explore these places from the safety of your own couch. Enjoy the ride.

Zojila Pass, India

zojila Pass, India

If you can make this pass through the blustering winds and heavy snowfalls, we salute you. But watch out for the sheep! Even when the sun is shining on your curry-stuffed belly, the roads are ridiculously narrow with barrier-free steep drops. Consider some hard-core meditation (or medication) to keep you relaxed for this ride.

Source: http://bit.ly/1c6QLGB

Atlanterhavsveien (Atlantic Ocean Road), Norway


In Norway, known for its pickled Herring, this particular drive will have you rethinking dining before hitting the road. While it looks rather treacherous in bad weather conditions, Atlanterhavsveien is one of the most beautiful roads to travel in the world, with epic curves that can rival those of the top Scandinavian models.

Source: http://bit.ly/1zT4Txn

Podgorica–Kolašin, Montenegro

Podgorica–Kolašin, Montenegro

Say hello to Montenegro and to a white-knuckle ride of a lifetime while driving along the Podgorica–Kolašin road through the Morača Canyon!  Riddled with countless cliff-side bends and tunnels, this road is basically out to get you, but if you survive you’ll be blown away by the beauty of the landscape that surrounds you. Good luck (you’ll need it)!

Source: http://bit.ly/1wBdrI5

Halsema Highway, Philippines

Halsema Highway, Philippines

Known as the highest of all highways in the Philippines, the Halsema Highway takes a whopping six hours to traverse so bring some light reading or some serious sleeping pills. Its bark is worse than its bite: it’s got a relatively low number of deaths considering its extreme altitude and zigzag design.

Source: http://bit.ly/1rbu6kO

Guoliang Tunnel, China

Guoliang Tunnel, China

Fancy a ride through a tunnel that looks like it was handmade?! Well we’ve got one for you. This beaute is a mere 16 feet tall and 13 feet wide, and was built by villagers in 1972. Many of the Guoliangers died during its five-year construction, and judging by the incline, can you guess how?

Source: http://bit.ly/1GLEXWm

Passo dello Stelvio, Italy

Passo dello Stelvio, Italy

We bet you’ll be saying a massive “Grazie” once you’ve made it to the other side of Italy’s Stelvio Pass! At 9045 feet, this road is the second highest paved mountain pass in the Alps, but it’s the most dangerous.

Source: http://bit.ly/1x12uhE

Dades Gorge Road, Morocco

Dades Gorge Road, Morocco

This snake-like road can be found up in the High Atlas Mountains at the edge of the Sahara Desert. You may be able to beat the heat of the Sahara but can you handle driving along the 1600 ft cliffs and weaving through 30 ft fissures?

Source: http://bit.ly/1ClIISG

Skippers Canyon, New Zealand

Said to be as scary as it is beautiful, this 22km long scenic gorge, just a short drive north of Queenstown is a mostly one-way, narrow route featuring epic vistas as well as neck-breaking drops of several hundred meters. Known as one of New Zealand’s most scenic roads, some rental car insurance companies don’t feel the same love as the Kiwis do and won’t cover you on this trip! If you have problems you can find a Public liability insurance online by clicking the link.

Source: http://bit.ly/1wcIjcK

James Dalton Highway, Alaska

James Dalton Highway, Alaska

This 414-mile gravel road heads straight through arctic tundra to the farthest north reaches of Alaska. It may look like a Winter Wonderland, but it’s not a road for the faint of heart, or those of you who cherish your car! As it’s the main supply route for the Prudhoe Bay oilfields,you’ll be sharing the road with mammoth tractor-trailers kicking up rocks. Kiss your windshields and headlights goodbye!

Source: http://bit.ly/1JFK3pw

The Highway of Death, Bolivia

The Highway of Death, Bolivia

Remember that song ‘Life is Highway’? Well, it really is when we’re talking about the La Paz ‘Highway of Death’ that leads from Bolivia into the Amazon. Formerly known as the ‘World’s Most Dangerous Road’, this death-defying 38 mile long trip comes with no misnomer: an estimated 200-300 unlucky travelers die annually attempting this infamous route.

Source: http://bit.ly/1E0pOTa

Need a rental car this summer, check out our home page to see our  available vehicles – just promise us you wont take any of these routes!

Hostels: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Fun Fact: Good hostels can be hard to come by. Places can be very hit or miss and often the reason a hostel is great has more to do with the location more so than anything else. When trying to pick a good hostel there are a few things to consider


Budget travellers have a natural preference to go for the cheapest accommodation but that can sometimes bite back. Many cheap hostels are unclean, the showers are filthy and the pressure is terrible, and the place could be rife with bed bugs! The lower the price usually means the lower the cleanliness.

Check Out Time

The best hostels have 11 A.M. check out times and the excellent ones let you checkout at noon. Sleep is priceless on the road because you’ll rarely get enough of it, if you’re travelling correctly!


A good hostel comes with good lockers. Lockers in rooms are an absolute must and a safe at reception is a major draw-card. Building security has got to be taken seriously, so make sure you check out the level of security before you book.

Common Area

If your hostel doesn’t have a bar, leave. Kidding. But it should have a big common area. The best hostels have a place where travellers can hang out and socialize with each other. Common areas facilitate interaction and help solo-travellers have an easier time meeting people. They’re almost as important as…


Oh man, is there anything worse than bad service at a hostel? The staff at a great hostel must be friendly, helpful and welcoming as well as knowledgeable about the city and its surroundings. The best hostels have natural people pleasers as staff, often fellow travellers themselves, or at least former ones, who can give good advice.

Fun Times

Even if the hostel you choose is clean and safe, you’re going to leave unsatisfied if it doesn’t provide a range of activities for guests. Tours and trips around the city, and special events at the hostel are great activities for fostering relationships between travellers. Parties and barbecues are an even better way for travellers to meet and greet each other, swapping stories of brews and burgers. Many good hostels have a games room for rainy days, ranging from board games to pool tables.

If you’re pressed for time and can’t bother going through the multitude of hostel websites out there to check out individual facilities, you can just hop online at TripAdvisor where heaps of travellers leave honest, sometimes too honest, reviews of hostels from around the world. If you’re travelling in your free Transfercar rental, you might want to check if the hostel has secure parking. If you’re looking for a way to save money, check out our deals on free RVs and campervans, where the room is clean and comfortable! Just check out our routes and with a few simple clicks you’ve got yourself accommodation on wheels for free! You can’t beat that!


Bondi Beach: Not Just Babes in Bikinis and Boardies

If you’re planning a trip to Australia, there’s no better place to start than at Bondi Beach, the most popular beach in Sydney, New South Wales. Located just 7 km east of Sydney’s CBD, Bondi Beach is a golden sand beach so iconic to the Aussies that it was added to the Australian National Heritage list in 2008. The scenery is absolutely fabulous and I’m not just talking about all the fit people in bathers! Lara Bingle I’m looking at you, girl! One of the best views isthe Great Wide Blue: the Pacific Ocean rolls in in sets of great foaming waves and the water’s always fine at a sweet 21°C! So what are you waiting for! Grab your togs, bathers, bikinis or whatever and get here now!

Finding Nemo

When you hit the beach of Bondi you’ve got to be a strong swimmer. There are a lot of feisty rips out here, just gagging to drag your butt out to sea. If you’re not a confident swimmer, stick close to the shore and make sure you swim between the flags.

Hey Shark Bait!

There’s a lot to do at Bondi once you’ve tired of the people-watching and lying around all day! If you’re travelling with young children, the saltwater sea baths at the bookends of the beach are perfect for young families. If you’re looking for an adrenaline rush there are two surf clubs that offer lessons. You’ll be carving up those sandbars in no time with a little instruction! Or you’ll be shark bait! Nah, there are shark nets in place to avoid your chances of being a shark-snack.

Diary of a Wimpy Traveller

Once you’ve had enough of the water, grabs your wheels and head to the skate ramp at the southern end. And if worse comes to worse and you’re feeling a little intimidated by the masses of hard bodies present, take your bad self to the outdoor gym and pump some iron. No one’s judging you, sugar!

Snack Attack!

If you’re looking for a bite to eat then look no further than the Bondi Pavilion that has a fantastic gelato shop. At the northern end there’s a grassy knoll with coin-operated barbecues. Bring your choice cuts but be aware that booze is a no-go at the beach. Save that for when you hit the Sydney bars later on!

Hit the Road…

Now that you’ve had a wee taste of all that Bondi has to offer, you just need to find a ride! If you want to avoid the masses of public commuters you might want to think about driving. At Transfercar we can get you and your mates to the beach for free with our free rental cars. If you haven’t registered, what the bloody hell are you waiting for, mate?!

Editor’s Pick for Best Travel Blogs

Ok. There are literally tens of thousands, no, possibly millions of travel blogs out there in the World Wide Web that cater to every, and any, traveller’s tastes. Over the year, we’re going to publish our picks of the most popular travel blogs and the ones we believe are the most inspiring, too. If you come across some that you think we should have a look at then get in touch as we’d love to see them!

Young Adventuress is a darling blog geared toward adventure and slow travel. Liz Carlson began travelling at the age of 16 and 40 countries later she’s not showing any signs of slowing down! She starts her blog while trekking through the Andes before moving to Spain for two years, where she was teaching English and living the expat life before kinda getting sent packing by the government for over-staying on her visa! Yikes! She’s so hard-core! With over 25 countries under her belt, Liz is living in New Zealand and you can follow her (mis)adventures as she wanders, eats, and photographs her way around the North and South Islands. Her posts on how to talk the talk with kiwi slang are well, sweet as, bro.

Bridges and Balloons Victoria and Steve, a writer and filmmaker from London packed up their home in 2012 and took their careers on the road for as long as they can. They were recently in South America, but right now they could be just about anywhere! They happen to be serious vegetarians and their posts do a great job highlighting how to continue that lifestyle choice while travelling the globe. Their blog is composed of travel stories, photos, personal tales, interviews, curated content, and practical guides that are written in a way to inspire you to explore, dream, discover.

The Polar Route is a travel photography blog geared towards anyone with a hunger for seeing this incredible world through pictures. The best thing about this site is the daily photo which could be taken from anywhere in the world. No country seems too far for Ed Graham who has travelled almost everywhere and manages to produce professional style travel photography. This site is a great inspiration if you’re looking to travel but you’re not quite sure where you want to go yet.

Four Jandals: Cole and Adela, an adventurous traveling couple from New Zealand, started this blog when they began travelling together in 2009. They have great posts on how to travel as a couple and not break-up! Ha! Trust me, it happens! Their posts have an interesting take on locations, pushing you to experience all that there is available in certain locations. The idea for their blog began during an 18,000km road trip across Canada. Man, I bet if Transfercar had been there they would have saved some sweeeeet cash! Clearly they managed because the adventure continues! FYI: “Jandals” is kiwi slang for flip-flops or sandals.

Anywhere But Home is the creation of Naomi, a 20-something wanderer pursuing her travel dreams on a backpacker’s budget. In 2010, she left home in search of unique experiences and hasn’t looked back since, which is I guess why her blog is so aptly titled. She gets up to all kinds of no-good: she’s been shot at with live fireworks in Taiwan, tracked wild orang-utans and pygmy elephants in Borneo, worked with mummies in Peru and dropped plans to impulsively move to Georgia, the country. Her posts on Australia will have you packing faster than you can say “koala” so maybe book your Transfercar now for that epic Aussie road trip?!

Emma’s Travel Tales is a blog aimed at the under-30 traveller, but not necessarily a backpacker. Emma is a 22-year-old Scottish lass who has already been on over 10 cruises. Girl likes boats! Her quest is to see the world and to work wherever she can to satiate her wanderlust! She’s an inspiration for travellers who want to keep going and who work travel into their life plans.

Our Tasty Travels Brett Domue, a lifelong gypsy who has been traveling the world since 2004 created this blog to inspire everyone to quit their jobs and work overseas!  He started in the Netherlands and Taiwan and then paired up with the lovely Erin De Santiago, an avid foodie and wine-lover, and together they search the world for tasty dishes. Yum! Erin just happens to be “Best of” Food and Drinks writer for CBS Sacramento and she regularly contributes to Examiner: Belize Travel Examiner, Luxury Hotels Examiner, International Travel Examiner, Culinary Travel Examiner, Islands Travel Examiner, and Worldwide Disney Theme Parks Examiner.  She was previously the Topic Editor of Asian Cuisine and Old World Wine for Suite 101. I think she knows her food inside and out! Consider yourself warned: do not look at this blog while hungry. You will eat your computer.

Flora the Explorer is one cool chick who is out in the world looking for the wonderful weird and wacky! Over the years, adventurous Flora has studied Italian in Florence, literature in San Francisco, volunteered with villagers in Kenya and orphans in Lithuania, and worked with musicians in Iceland and celebrities in India. There is no stopping her! She’s eaten crickets in Thailand, slept in the deserts of Jordan, read nursery rhymes to numerous classes of Nepali children and navigated her way around America’s East Coast via the notorious Chinatown bus system. Oopf! If you’re looking to do the same, maybe grab a free rental car from us first?!

And there you have it, some of the finest blogs on the Web to date. Dirty secret: I wanted to put the Transfercar blog on there too, because we have posts on everything from budget travel tips to how to party in some of the great places in America, Australia and New Zealand. If you’re looking to explore any of those three countries sometime soon, have a look at our free rental car system. And then book!