Australia’s backpacker industry ‘in crisis’

Australian touristAUSTRALIA’S backpacker tourism industry is facing the biggest crisis in its history, with many tour operators struggling to survive following big falls in young travellers.

The number of people staying in hostels has fallen by nearly seven per cent over the past two years, down from 593,000 per year in March 2010.

By Marina Thomas | News Limited Network
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Food for camping: Quick and easy cashew nut cups

Melted chocolateI’ve recently come back from a well needed stay at a Yoga retreat in Koh Samui, Thailand (Samahita Retreat) where we trained in Ashtanga Yoga twice a day.  As you can imagine, the food was delicious, organic and highly nutritious. However with all that training, my craving for something sweet was almost overpowering (and there is only so much honey you can put in a herbal tea!).

Amongst some of the incredibly mouth watering desserts available was a little beauty called a Cashew Nut Cup. Now why is this a good addition to Transfercar’s travel  blog you ask? The reason being, that  this can be easily made on a gas stove, over hot coals or on a BBQ, making it a fantastic travel treat that is cheap and easy to prepare. Continue reading Food for camping: Quick and easy cashew nut cups

The dos and don’ts of travelling abroad: Backpacking in New Zealand

Backpacking in New Zealand

So you’ve decided to travel to New Zealand for a backpacking experience of a lifetime? Great!

New Zealand really is the adventure capital of the world. It’s a popular place among backpackers and those with round the world tickets, as tourism in New Zealand really caters to the budget and backpacker minded.

NZ loves international travellers, so here are a few tips that will help you get the most out of your trip:


  • Smile! Kiwis are generally a friendly bunch and appreciate good manners and a great attitude.
  • Help support the locals: Buy local products.
  • Take a range of clothing. New Zealand is renowned for its temperature change and really can have four seasons in one day. Oh…and if you plan on visiting in summer, take sandals for the West Coast beaches (black sand will burn your feet), and loads of sun block!
  • Take an eco-bottle or reusable water bottle. The water is safe to drink so you can refill your bottle rather than adding to the overload of plastic in the environment.
  • Don’t litter! Take your rubbish with you or use the bins provided. Oh…and please recycle!
  • Look for non smoking signs. Many public places in New Zealand are now smoke free zones. Continue reading The dos and don’ts of travelling abroad: Backpacking in New Zealand

Tips for bargain backpacking in Australia

Posted on Tuesday 07 February 2012 in Australia


Tips for bargain backpacking in Australia - Australia Travel News

Exploring the 7.6 million square miles of Australia’s outback is a daunting task for any backpacker on a tight budget. Travelling between Melbourne and Sydney, the two most populous cities in Australia, can thin an already-slimming wallet. More backpackers are resorting to hopping on the train to get to-and-from ideal destinations, and hostels remain jam-packed with people trying to save a few dollars.

Read the full article here…..

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Australia First Time Visitor Guide

by Brooke | March 9th, 2011 | WhyGoAustralia | Are you currently planning your very first trip to Australia but realizing that Australia is a really big country? Are you starting to feel a little overwhelmed? It’s okay; I’ve been there. This is one gigantic and beautiful country – one that many people get but one opportunity to visit – so we want to make the most of the stay by seeing the best on offer. In addition to that, we also want to be prepared, which means knowing what to pack, how to get around and how to order the right meal.

Well, we have all that information here on WhyGo Australia, and to help you find it, I’ve put all the links in this one place. How’s that for making life easy?

Read the full story at WhyGoAustralia

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Why not…

…do a classic Kiwi holiday in your own country?

So instead of that long weekend or mid week somewhere on the islands, stay put in good old Aotearoa. Don’t get me wrong-a tropical beach with an abundance of cocktails at the tips of your fingers still sounds great, but haven’t we just crash landed in the era where the proverbial belt gets tightened a bit? So why not spend your well earned kiwi dollar right here in kiwi land and with doing so support the national economy? Continue reading Why not…